Progress is being made! Today Vice President Joe Biden announced the appointment of Lynn Rosenthal to be the advisor of President Barack Obama on the issues of violence against women. Biden stated that advisor role is “an ambition and dream come true.” Rosenthall has been a long time advocate and expert in domestic violence policy […]
Sin by Silence Blog
Violence in the News
Read about the latest news on the tragedy of domestic violence from around the world.
The Debate Over Chris Brown
Palin Signs Bill to Expand Domestic Violence Work in Alaska
What? Palin? Why are you writing about her? Well, the infamous Alaskan Governor recently signed a bill to expand the participation in the state Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. This is a great move towards change throughout a state where violence against women is a huge problem! The statistics of Alaska expose that […]
Don’t Be A Hater
How on earth do we allow such upstanding, eloquent people to be role models for the youth of America? Someone who releases a public statement with such perfect diction as “everybody that’s haters…they just be haters.” and “I ain’t a monster” in defense of him using his girlfriend as a punching bag deserves to be […]
Saudi Judge Says It’s OK to Slap Wife
There are times when I can’t help but be discontent with the way things are in America today – the housing crisis, the job crisis, foreclosures left and right, big corporate bailouts while the rest of the people are having to go without – all things that I can not do anything about. However, every […]