Stand Up for Your Community

Sep 25th, 2009 In: Director's Notes Screenings Sin by Silence Tour By: Comments 0

Yesterday we were able to be a part of making a difference in Bakersfield, CA.  To me, bringing Sin by Silence to this community really hit home.  It is where Glenda Crosley, who is featured in the film, lived.  She was raised in this area, met her knight in shining armor and lived for 24 years of marriage with 3 kids throughout the area.  This also is the community where she felt alone, didn’t have many friends, and tried to keep the impression that her marriage was perfect behind closed doors.  In 1986,Bakersfield learned there was a different story when Glenda had to defend herself.

Twenty three years later, we were able to bring Glenda’s story back to her hometown to be part of the Domestic Violence Council Conference.  Yet, this event was beyond our usual event, since we had the amazing opportunity to have one of Glenda’s daughters be part of the discussion.  Stacy would have made her mother proud as she spoke about what life was like growing up in the Crosley home.  You could have heard a pin drop as she described what her family went through, what she went through as a child screaming out for help, and even what she went through her own marriages.  We were all reminded yesterday that abuse has life long effects.  Just because you grow up, you move out, or you try to forget there is always a constant reminder of the pain.

When Stacy received the applause, the hugs, the words of encouragement afterwards I hope she was able to take many more steps towards healing.  She is an amazing woman, who for the first time shared with an audience of 250 people, that she was relieved when her father died.  Relieved to know that the abuse was finally over!  Yet, as the tears rolled down her face that afternoon, they did on mine as well.  The pain that the Crosley family went through, should not have happened.  And I hope we were able to inspire and encourage the Bakersfield community to continue on their fight for change.  There are lives at stake, there are futures at stake, they is one of their own neighbors still incarcerated as Glenda waits for release.

I know that someday the day will happen when Glenda will be able to be part of a screening of Sin by Silence and be able to be part of the discussion afterwards.  She will be able to see the tears on people’s faces.  She will be able to hear the words of encouragement in person.  She will be able to know the impact she is having through this film.  But, until that day, we are honored to have Stacy be a part of the journey to help remind people what’s at stake if we don’t get involved to help victims of abuse.  

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